“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat…” Matthew 25:35
Of all the miracles Jesus performed, I think one of the most sacred was feeding people who were hungry because they were following him. What catches our attention in the feeding of the 5,000 is the miracle of multiplying loaves and fishes. What caught Jesus’ attention was people who were hungry. People who were trusting in him. Following him. And needing him. Lots of them. And he fed them all.
One of the greatest joys of my ministry is feeding hungry families. Your special contributions and gifts during the Covid19 crisis have allowed us to give grocery bags to many of the families in the poor communities we serve here in Recife.
Every family receives a bag with two kilos each of beans and rice, two bags of macaroni, powdered milk, and cornmeal cuscuz, and a kilo of manioc flour. That bag will feed a small family for 8-10 days and a big one for 5-7 days.

Some of the families waiting to receive grocery bags. The sign reads “There is hope in Jesus Christ”.
With the groceries we give her, Roseane feeds five of her eight children who still live with her and occasionally John and Adriele and their spouses and children. A grocery bag like the ones we distribute will get her through five to seven days. We try to give her two bags a month.

Roseane (rear center), with LtoR Jon, Bruno, grandson Brayan, Adriele, Sara, José with Adriele’s boy Michael, Andreza
Roseane works selling popcorn and water at street lights. She dreams of getting a job working in someone’s home cleaning and cooking. She’s worked in a restaurant before. Work is hard to come by these days. So when Jesus provides Roseane and her family with two weeks of food to eat, that’s a big deal. I think it’s a big deal to Jesus too, that His church is doing this.
So God bless you. God bless your heart. Let Jesus keep touching it. And using you to touch others. And like some people in a special parable he told about the judgement day, some day you may be surprised to see just who your giving was reaching, and feeding, and touching with the love of Jesus…
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