About Us

Christmas worship prayer

“Jesus in the Streets” is a ministry that was begun by a group of young people in an urban church in downtown Recife Brazil with the purpose of showing homeless men and women how much Jesus loves them. What we were doing and how we are to do it has evolved over time. It began with a few dozen sandwiches and cups of soft drinks handed out on Wednesday nights after prayer meeting, and evolved into an outreach ministry to the homeless and chemical dependant. We work among a group of approximately 120 men, women and children who either live on the street or in favelas (slums) near Derby Park in downtown Recife, Brazil.

We hold weekly Sunday worship services in Derby Park with an average street population attendance of around 60 men, women and children. We also reach out to and provide assistance on a day to day basis for these same men and women and their extended family members in the areas of health, shelter and clothing, and documentation needs as well as employment and education opportunities. We work in cooperation with city and NGO’s to provide assistance for those wishing to overcome chemical dependancey issues. Whether they seek that assistance or not, we love them and help them all the same. Today three other similar ministries have begun in São Lourenço, Pernambuco, São Paulo, and Salvador, Bahia.

What do we write about?

In His Footsteps: Where and how we try to walk in Jesus footsteps, serving the needy on the streets of Recife. Read posts.

Worship Along The Way: News about our ministry in its different forms, worshiping, serving, bringing Church to the people who may need it the most. Read posts.

Victories: The Good News the Lord has revealed to us among the needy and those in Satan’s grasp. Read posts.

Our Friends: Insights into the lives of the men, women, and children among whom we are priviliged to serve. Read posts.

Pray For These: The prayer needs of our friends on the street and in the favelas of Recife. Read posts.