Thanks for your prayers for Rodolfo. The good news is his family went on visitation day. The not so good news is they convinced him to check out of Christland this coming weekend and return home. It’s hard to blame them. They miss him and he’s looking great. Better than he has in a long time.

Two men, a pastor and a sinner, went into a church to pray. You’ll never believe what happened next…
Please keep him in your prayers. The recidivism rate on students who don’t finish out the full year at Christland is too high. Let’s pray Rodolfo is able to keep moving forward with the Lord.
We had a great worship service Sunday. I had hoped to meet Rodolfo’s family. In fact part of the message was for them – an appeal to families to support their men (husbands, sons, brothers, uncles) in persevering in the Christland program until they’re really ready to return. Rodolfo’s family was late that day and I had a wedding to go to that afternoon so I wasn’t able to stay to meet them. It’s good they came though.
The fact is, less than half the men receive visits on visitation day. Some families don’t have the means to make the trip. The center is several miles from the nearest city and about an hour from Recife. Some of the men come from small towns further inland and their families just can’t afford to visit. For others, sadly their families will never come. They aren’t interested. Or don’t believe the brother, the uncle, the son could ever come back from that distant land where all prodigals eventually go.
Here’s a video of many of the men currently at the Christland Macedonia center singing one of my favorite hymns in Portuguese. I’ve subtitled it so you can follow along. The words are perfect for what these men have been through and the transformation God is bringing about in their lives. The hope that’s been restored. The joy at knowing there’s a Father who hasn’t given up on us. I love this line: “You changed my history. You did what nobody could imagine.”
You’ll notice a lot of moms and dads, brothers, sisters, aunts, and uncles with their cell phones filming. You can imagine their joy as they see men whose lives they thought were lost forever now praising the Lord and giving Him the glory.
Please continue to pray for Rodolfo and all the men at Christland. And thanks for your prayers for Edson. He’s getting his work papers signed this week! Our brother Joseilton who hired him is very happy with his work at the delivery firm Joseilton manages. Thanks so much for your prayers. They really are making an eternal difference!