Jose (R) and Wilson

How far?

“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” – Luke 19:10 There isn’t a more focused summation of Jesus’ purpose, and that which should be the goal of his disciples: seeking and saving the lost. We can’t save, Jesus does that, but we can seek and lead others to him. […]

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ILI Online Conference Attendees in 2021

Leadership Training During a Pandemic

To paraphrase Nathanael’s famous question in John 1:46, “can anything good come out of a pandemic”? By God’s power and grace, YES! The International Leadership Institute is a non-denominational ministry that hosts conferences in which leaders are encouraged to rediscover and renew eight core Christian values in their personal lives and ministry: Intimacy with God, […]

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Men at the recovery center in Paraná

Inside the Circle

In early 2021 I felt the Lord leading me to learn more about childhood trauma and it’s long term impact on people. I’ve taken a few courses, read several books, and become more familiar with the lasting damage that trauma, especially in childhood, can cause. In the process I came across the Adverse Childhood Experiences […]

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Diego and cross plaque

Jesus Transforms

Have you ever seen a fork where the tines were so twisted or blunted from someone using or abusing it that it no longer served to pick up food? Or maybe a spoon that someone deliberately twisted so badly it could never be straightened again? What happens to those utensils? Where do they go? You […]

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