Some of the King’s Favorite Children

Dear friends,
Thank you all for your precious prayers for our ministry here. God continues to bless us in an abundance of riches that could only come from the King!

Last week we shared about some of the children from the community we serve and their first time at camp. If you missed that post you can see it here. Also, you can see a photo of the kids who went with their moms here.

For some time now we’ve been having an ongoing Bible study with this very special group of moms. It’s usually on a Thursday or Friday afternoon in a kind of porch in front of Joice’s place. Four of the moms and their children live in the same narrow little passageway. Most of the others live within a block or two.

I can’t promise there’s never any disputes or disagreements among them, but for ladies who struggle so hard just to make ends meet, while they raise their kids, pay the rent and put food on the table, their generosity and community spirit is inspiring. I am humbled by their love for one another.

It’s near impossible to get all the children and the moms together for a photo. Several moms and about half the kids are missing from this one I took a few months back. But, I think from the genuine smiles on their faces you get a pretty good idea of the kind of people they are.

The mothers of Joana Bezerra

The mothers of Joana Bezerra

Please keep Joice, Raiane, Larissa, Daiane, Raissa, and Elisangela (all sisters), Solange, mother to Jaqueline, Cristiane, and Michele, also neighbors Cleonice, Dirlani, and sisters Catarina and Shirley in your prayers. If that’s too many names, just pray for “the mothers of Joana Bezerra”.

They are all eager students of God’s word. And they’ve got close to a couple dozen boys and girls we’re praying will be the first second-generation Christians in the whole Joana Bezerra neighborhood.

I know the Lord wants all of them to see the very special accomodations He’s prepared for them in Heaven. Pray for me, Bio Nascimento, and Paulo Roberto as we share the Good News and help them understand how very loved they are by Jesus.

Please continue to pray for Tavares’ decision to be baptized. Pray he can trust in the Lord, that even if he stumbles, the Lord is able to pick him up again.

Pray also for Bruno, husband of Paulina’s best friend Raiana. Last year he accepted my challenge to read my favorite book for non believers “I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist”. He read the whole book, began to read the Bible, and is now going to church regularly. Pray for Bruno’s faith walk.

Thank you for your prayers!

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