School Reinforcement Program

Adriele and Andreza in school

Thank you SO much for your prayers for Andreza and Adriele to get into the AGIR school reinforcement program! They’re in! Their approval took longer than we had initially been informed but since it’s also the middle of the school year in Recife it was quite exceptional that the girls did get in. Must have […]

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The road to the Christland Center for Christian Transformation

Good News in Christland

Christland! Wow, that’s a catchy name, isn’t it? Christland is the English translation of a Brazilian ministry called “Cristolandia”. Cristolandia is supported and overseen by the Brazilian Baptist Missions Board. The ministry began when a preacher, Fernando Brandão was invited to speak at a church in downtown São Paulo, Brazil. Fernando got lost on his […]

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A picture of God’s love

Ever seen a picture of God’s love? A few Sundays back in Derby park I left the adults and stepped over to the little playground where our sister Sandra Maria was teaching the children. Andreza started writing something in the ground, then looked up at me and asked, “Is that right, uncle Dennis?” (It’s common […]

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