Christland! Wow, that’s a catchy name, isn’t it? Christland is the English translation of a Brazilian ministry called “Cristolandia”. Cristolandia is supported and overseen by the Brazilian Baptist Missions Board. The ministry began when a preacher, Fernando Brandão was invited to speak at a church in downtown São Paulo, Brazil. Fernando got lost on his […]
Archive | Our Friends
Our Friends: Insights into the lives of the men, women, and children among whom we are priviliged to serve.
Jesus in the Streets Christmas Party
Below are some photos of our Jesus in the Streets Christmas Party. We gave out 80 packages of clothing (T shirts, shorts, a sheet and towel) and hygiene products to our homeless friends and family members of theirs living in nearby slums. Normally we have 50-60 show up. We had prepared for 80 (I thought […]